
SKU: KATANA001 | Brand: PBI Gordon

4 x 3 oz

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Active Ingredient: Flazasulfuron 

Excellent control of 58 sedges, grassy and broadleaf weeds! 



    Katana Turf Herbicide kills Poa annua, ryegrass, tall fescue, and the toughest broadleaf weeds in turf.
Katana even works in cooler temperatures where competitive products may struggle. 
Katana is highly selective in seashore paspalum, and Bermuda, zoysia, centipede and buffalo grasses, making it excellent for effective weed control in warm-season turf or removal of overseeded cool-season grasses. 



WHAT IT DOES Katana controls:

 Poa annua 
 Tall fescue
 Clumpy ryegrass 
 Sedges (yellow, globe, purple, kyllingas) 
 Poa trivialis 
 Annual ryegrass 
 More than 50 other listed weeds 

Labeled for use in: 

 Seashore paspalum 

Ideal for use on: 

 Golf courses (fairways, roughs, and tees)
 Professionally managed sports fields 
 Spot treatments on residential lawns