1-2-3 Mosquito Death Wish Golf Ventures 9/13/2016 9:19:00 AM 1-2-3 Mosquito Death Wish Golf Ventures 9/15/2016 10:02:19 AM The deadly combination of Mosquito Magician, Argosy RF and Boston Fog Backpack Mister is economical and produces outstanding results. Create a portable Mosquito Barrier System. 1 Start with Mosquito Magician, the powerful all natural pesticide for the control of mosquitoes and many other biting insects. Mosquito Magician concentrate is laboratory tested and proven to kill and repel mosquitoes. No Toxins, Pyrethrins, or harmful chemicals. 2 Add Argosy RV – the spreader/sticker/rain-fast product that enhances the Mosquito Magician’s effectiveness up to three times longer. Argosy RF facilitates spreading of Mosquito Magician, and keeps it on leaves / grass even through rain and irrigation. 3 Apply with Boston Fog BMF Pro Backpack - the lightweight, battery powered mister with 2 hours of continuous run time. Latest battery-powered light weight hand held unit is specifically designed to give the applicator the best tool for the job. Excellent choice for perimeter barrier treatments. Portable, effective, and perfect mosquito solution for resort and commercial use. Safe for guests and the environment. Protect your guests for less. Contact your Golf Ventures territory manager for more information. < Back to news