COMAND Prime Season Package

Free Supersack of 1/8 COMAND when you purchase a pallet (40 bags) of 1/16 inch Greens Grade COMAND.

Total package price of $1,170 (plus sales tax) includes shipping to any Florida address.*

Save $350

Take COMAND of your Soil Health 

The Greens Grade COMAND has zero woody particles and looks just like black granules.
Product can be applied and swept into the canopy of the closest mowed greens without causing
issues to playability of the surface. Use straight or blend with sand, and apply to weak green
areas, high traffic areas, or areas recovering from cold damage. Dust plugs in replaced cup
locations for quick healing. The 45 pound bags are easy to move around - so you can apply
anywhere needed.

Use 1/8in COMAND Use to quickly heal beaten up tee boxes, address hot spots, fill in golfer
divots, or in landscaping projects. High concentrations of beneficial microorganisms will help
suppress nematodes and other plant diseases. 2 Yards on Pallet = 2 acres of coverage.

*Offer good while supplies last and may be recalled at any time.

Customer Service 800-330-8874

Find out more about COMAND at:

