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2 x 6 Lb
The Avid Heritage Multipak is designed for the control of nematodes and contains the following:
2 gal Avid Miticide/Insecticide 6 1 lb. Heritage WDG Fungicide
The Avid Heritage combination makes an excellent complement to control programs.
Nematode damage to turf roots can increase susceptibility to disease. Avid mixes easily with fungicides such as Heritage to manage both nematodes and diseases as part of a comprehensive control program. Research shows that tank-mixtures of Avid and Heritage provide superior turf quality and stronger roots compared to applications of either product on its own.
Multipaks are available for purchase through Sygenta's early order program.
Syngenta received notification from the EPA that Avid 24(c) SLN uses for golf course greens to control nematodes in AL, FL, GA, LA, MO, MS, NC, NJ, NM, OH, OK, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA will be cancelled effective June 30, 2016. However, superintendents will be allowed to continue to use Avid under the 24(c) SLN for one year after cancellation.
Adjuvant Rate Water Volume Cohere 8-12ozs/100gal 1.0 - 2.0 Gal