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2 x 2.5 gal
Bayleton® FLO Bayleton FLO is a systemic (acropetal penetrant) fungicide that is absorbed by the shoots and roots. Its broad-spectrum activity and residual control make it easy to control most turf diseases. A liquid formulation allows for flexible measuring when a particular amount of product is needed. Broad-spectrum disease control Unsurpassed dollar spot control 14- to 28-day residual Preventive fairy ring control Ideal for golf courses and many ornamental diseases Liquid formulation allows you to measure only the amount you need
Pests controlled
Anthracnose, Bermudagrass decline, brown patch/Rhizoctonia blight, copper spot, dollar spot, fairy ring, Fusarium blight, gray snow mold/Typhula blight, powdery mildew, pink snow mold/Fusarium patch, red thread, rusts, Southern blight, stripe smut, summer patch, take-all patch, Zoysia patch/large patch
Active Ingredients: Triadimefon (43%);
Manufactured by Bayer.
Adjuvant Rate Water Volume Kinetic 1pt/100gal 1.0 - 2.0 gal