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For non-selective aquatic weed control, nothing beats Aqua Neat®. Aqua Neat controls almost 200 species of emerged weeds, including a wide range of broadleaf weeds, sedges and annual and perennial grasses,...
Escalade 2 is a premium combination herbicide that uses the advanced new fluroxypyr active to quickly control a comprehensive spectrum of broadleaf weeds in turfgrass. Also an innovative formulation,...
Manor® is a highly selective premium post-emergence herbicide for effective control of grassy and broadleaf weeds in turfgrass. Specially formulated to control annual and perennial weedy grasses such...
Quincept® herbicide from Nufarm offers the perfect balance of power and performance to control both grass and broadleaf weeds. Use Quincept in the spring as a clean-up product for areas that missed...
Triplet® Low Odor is a liquid post-emergent broadleaf herbicide that uses an innovative and unique formulation of 2,4-D. This powerful combination herbicide selectively controls broadleaf weeds in turfgrass,...
Double-O herbicide comes in a low-odor and low-dust granular formulation while offering the same level of high-quality control you have come to expect from oxyfluorfen and oryzalin. Just one application...
Envoy Plus® delivers consistent post-emergent control of troublesome annual and perennial grasses. Plus, it has an excellent plant safety profile. Envoy Plus can be applied over-the-top to garden flowers...
Nufarm Abamectin SPC 0.15 EC insecticide offers reliable, longlasting control of mites and leafminers, along with suppression of aphids, thrips and whiteflies. Nufarm Abamectin SPC 0.15 EC affects pests...
As a proven systemic fungicide, Alude™ provides effective control of various plant diseases including black spot, scab and downy mildew. Alude is a proven performer against Phytophthora and Pythium...