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When a strobilurin with broad-spectrum disease control and application flexibility is needed, Abound fungicide...
Safeguard lawns from grubs, billbugs and surface feeders.
Acelepryn insecticide features the active ingredient chlorantraniliprole, which offers season-long control of many...
Got Fire Ants?
Advion Fire Ant Bait provides unbeatable control of fire ants fast, providing total colony control in 24-72 hours including the queen. After two applications, year-long...
Outstanding Speed. Unbeatable Results. Advion Fire Ant Bait provides unbeatable control of fire ants fast, providing total colony control in 24-72 hours including the queen....
Potassium Phosphite
Superior disease control with enhanced turf color and quality
Root-feeding nematodes are among the most destructive turfgrass pests, especially in the sandy soils used for golf course putting greens. AvidĀ® 0.15 EC miticide/insecticide controls both sting and ring...
The Avid Heritage Multipak is designed for the control of nematodes and contains the following:
2 gal Avid Miticide/Insecticide 6 1 lb. Heritage WDG Fungicide
Protecting Golf Course Putting Greens from Root-Feeding Nematodes
Root-feeding nematodes are among the most destructive turfgrass pests, especially in the sandy soils used for golf course...
Use for control of fire ants in landscapes (including lawns) of residential, commercial, industrial and public building; schools; recreational...
Broad spectrum and systemic disease control for turf and ornamentals
BarricadeĀ® 65WG herbicide controls more than 30 weeds with season-long control at low use rates. The water-dispersible granule provides the ease of handling and reduced packaging of a dry formulation.
For selective preemergene control of grass and broadsleaf weeds in:
established turfgrasses (excluding golf course...
Bonzi is a plant growth regulator for use on ornamental plants grown in containers in nurseries, greenhouses, shadehouses and interiorscapes. Poinsettia, Chrysanthemum, Perennial Plants, Bedding Plants,...
Active Ingredient: Azoxystrobin - 18.2% Difenoconazole - 11.4%.
ActiBriskway Fungicide is a broad spectrum fungicide to be used only on golf course turfgrasses. It will...