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Brandt Fairway Nutrition Programs
Keep turf grass looking and performing its best with BRANDT's Fairway Nutrition program. Each application of AGRA SOL and BRANDT REACTION specialty nutritionals with 100% chelated minor packages will promote turf health and color for 2-3 weeks. Can be used with confidence in tanks mixed with growth regulators, herbicides, fungicides, pesticides, and other non-phosphorus liquid fertilizers. You won’t find better fairways programs at any cost!
$19 per/acre
Agra Sol Turf Mix Reaction® K LS
4.0% Mg, 0.5% B, 2.0% Fe, 2.0% Mn, 0.5% Zn 1.0% N, 7.0% K20, 1.0% S
3 lbs/ac 1 gal/ac
$22 per/acre
Agra Sol Turf Mix Reaction MKS
4.0% Mg, 0.5% B, 2.0% Fe, 2.0% Mn, 0.5% Zn 4.0% K20, 2.1% Mg, 4.2% S
$35 per/acre
Parco-Root XL Reaction K LS
.5% Mg, 4.0% S, 0.16% B, 3.5% Fe, 0.75% Mn, 0.003% Mo, 0.75% Zn 1.0% N, 7.0% K20, 1.0% S
1 gal/ac 1 gal/ac
BRANDT Reaction® is a unique line of soil applied nutrients with a patented technology that delays the chemical fixation of phosphorus and potassium with other nutrients or elements in the soil. It keeps nutrients available in the soil solution for up to 26 weeks, which enhances nutrient availability, uptake and utilization. BRANDT Reaction products are especially useful in high alkaline, calcareous and acidic soils; and can withstand most hostile soil and water conditions.
BRANDT Agra Sol® dry soluble powder chelates to supply key micronutrients to plants and turf at a great value. They mix easily with water and can be applied alone, added to dry granular fertilizers or applied with non-phosphorus liquid fertilizers.
Brandt Parco-Root XL® is a special formulation of natural biostimulants and essential micronutrients containing solubilized forms of essential amino acids, vitamins, humic matter, chelating agents and wetting agents. It is uniquely absorbed with a highly concentrated blend of plant biostimulants, micronutrients, humates and wetting agents.
Download Brandt Fairways Program Flyer.
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