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2x 2.5 Gal
Micronutrient Supplement for broadcast, sidedress, fertigation and foliar applications
Brandt Liquid Boron 10 is an effective, readily available source of boron for soil and foliar applications to field, row, vegetable, fruit, tree, and vine crops. It may be applied in water or mixed with most liquid fertilizer, micronutrients or pesticides. Before mixing multiple chemicals and/ or fertilizers in the tank, confirm product compatibility by performing a jar test. Be sure to mix with plenty of water.
Foliar Application: Apply up to 5 quarts per acre in sufficient water for thorough coverage. Use at least 1 gallon of water for each pint of Brandt Liquid Boron. Early morning or late evening applications give the best results
Soil Application: Apply up to 3 gallons per acre in sufficient carrier to give complete coverage. Do not use in soil applications where it will directly contact the seed. Soil applied boron must be moved into the root zone to be absorbed by the plant. This can be accomplished by irrigation, rainfall, or tillage.
Brandt Liquid Boron may also be applied via drip or sprinkler fertigation
Packaged: 2 x 2.5 gallons