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Fine 1/4 inch particle size. For golf course topdressing and other fine particle applications.
Delivered by Dump truck (Minimum order 20 Yards)
What Makes COMAND Compost so unique? COMAND® is derived from the high temperature, aerobic decomposition of organic residuals under strictly controlled conditions. The use of Harvest Quest’s proprietary inoculant and Life Soils unique Modified Static Aerobic Pile (MSAP) composting process allows bacterial densities to increase optimally. Resulting in the production of superior-quality compost carefully processed to maintain excellent soil building attributes.
Studies have shown COMAND compost, when compared to those produced using traditional methods provides the turf manager with a host of practical benefits, saving work time and costs and improving the playing surface.
Benefits of Using COMAND
Uses: Fix weak areas, high traffic areas, bunker faces Mix with sand and make your own topdressing or divot mixes Over seeding preparation Annual planting beds Establishing turf or new sod Provide a long lasting carbon source
Use COMAND Compost everywhere and anywhere – to any garden or turf grass area.
Amount Needed 1,000 - 1,500 lbs of Comand Compost per acre when applied straight.