Docket DF

SKU: DOCKET001 | Brand: Syngenta

4 x 5 lb

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Docket DF Fungicide is a low-cost generic form of the name-brand Daconil Ultrex chlorothalonil. It is made by Syngenta, the same company that makes Daconil Ultrex.

As a chlorothalonil product, it is a low-cost solution for a broad spectrum of turf and ornamental diseases in agricultural and commercial nonagricultural sites. 

Docket DF is for use on golf course tees, fairways, greens, non-residential turfgrasses, ornamental turfgrasses including sod . Docket DF controls 14 diseases, including dollar spot, brown patch, gray leaf spot, algae, leaf spot, melting out, anthracnose, rust, Fusarium patch, Gray snow mold and red thread. 

It is not labeled for residential or home lawns.

Syngenta's Docket DF is a chlorothalonil (82.5%) product. 

Active Ingredient:
Chlorothalonil: 82.5%
Other Ingredients: 17.5%
Total: 100.0%

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Adjuvant             Rate                    Water Volume
Kinetic                1pt/100gal            1.0 - 2.0 gal