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2 x 2.5 gal
Finale herbicide gives you fast, effective control of a broad spectrum of emerged annual and perennial grasses, broadleaf weeds, and woody species. It’s absorbed rapidly through green tissue and produces results in one to four days under many conditions. And it controls even the toughest weeds, like poison ivy, dandelion and thistle. Fast, nonselective control of emerged weeds Faster than the competition – visible results in 1–4 days under many conditions Rapid control without the regrowth of typical burndowns Longer application window – effective in spring and fall too Does not translocate in most plants – only kills what you spray it on Minimal soil-residual activity means transplanting or seeding is possible hours after application Excellent tank mix component, compatible with many popular herbicides Pests controlled Broadleaf weeds: Burdock, chickweed, clover, common cocklebur, dandelion, dogbane, filaree, jimsonweed, Kochia, London rocket, Malva, marestail, purslane, shepherd’s purse, smartweed Grasses and sedges: Annual bluegrass, barnyard grass, crabgrass, cupgrass, fall panicum, fescue, giant foxtail, goose grass, Kentucky bluegrass, lovegrass, shattercane, smallflower Alexander, stinkgrass, windgrass, yellow foxtail Woody species: Blackberry, conifers, greenbriar
Active Ingredient Glufosinate-ammonium....11.33%