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2 x 2.5 Gal
GreenPIG is a premium pigment additive specifically formulated for golf courses and turf facilities to enhance and extend aesthetic turf appearances. GreenPIG is an excellent additive to enhance turf color during the growing season. Additionally, university research has shown that tank mixing GreenPIG with Grigg Brothers Fairphyte can improve turf performance and quality during times of summer stress.
It provides natural green turf color for up to one month and reflects potentially harmful near infrared (NIR) light, which may improve turfgrass quality and vigor. It is recommended for general use.
Key Features
Highly Concentrated for low use rates Long lasting means less frequent applications Cost competitive fits most budgets Natural in color improves visual quality & turf presentation Less abrasive on spray pumps than most turf paints Improved turf health by reducing oxidative stress during exposure to high heat Alternative to overseeding an excellent way to reduce costs and provide superior winter putting surface
Maximize turf vigor using the correct cultural practices.
GreenPIG application increased harmful NIR light reflectance from creeping bentgrass – which corresponded well with better overall turf quality .
Cool season turfgrass—apply GreenPIG sequentially with PK Plus or Ultraplex in summer to maximize turf quality.
Use GreenPIG at the recommended rates to improve turfgrass color.
Future research will assess photosynthetic capacity (FvFm) and canopy temperature after treatment and correlate these measurements with NIR reflectance.
Formulation Benefits:
GreenPIG contains a highly concentrated amount of pigment— 10-20% higher than many competitors—resulting in a formulation offering low use rates while promoting fast, intense, and long lasting turf color and improved overall quality. Grigg Brothers offers GreenPIG in (4 X 1 gallon) OR (12 X 1 quart) cases, providing turfgrass managers flexibility in spray preparation.
GreenPIG Active Ingredient:
GreenPIG contains a green colored (reflected light) aromatic macrocyclic compound (pigment) called phthalocyanine. The phthalocyanine found in GreenPIG contains a central copper (Cu) atom. Phthalocyanine is very similar in chemical structure to porphyrins—or naturally occurring compounds such as chlorophyll and heme B. As a consequence, it absorbs light strongly in the visible spectrum. The word porphyrins is derived from the Greek word , “porphyra” or “purple pigment”. GreenPIG also contains trace levels of zinc (Zn).
GreenPig can also be spelled Green Pig.