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8 x 6 lb
MANZATE® PRO-STICK Water Dispersible Granule (WGD) Dry Formulation
Manzate provides advanced formulation technology in the fight against key crop diseases. A multi-site protectant fungicide, Manzate prevents pathogenic organisms from adapting and mutating, meanng even after decades of use, fungal strains have not developed reistance to Manzate. Manzate, an important component of your diseaes management program.
Key Diseases Controlled: Anthracnose, Leaf Spot, Pythium Blight, Rhizoctonia, Rust, Scab, Needle Cast, Pine Tip Blight (See Label For Full Labelled Pests).
Label for use on the following: Algae Ascochyta - Botryosphaeria - Brown patch - Cephalosporium - Ciborinia - Colletotrichum - Coryneum - Curvularia - Diaporthe - Diplocarpon - Drechslera - Entomosporium - Exobasidium species - Fusarium - Fusarium snow mold - Gloeosporium - Gnomonia - Guignardia - Helminthosporium - Kabatiella - Leaf rust - Leptosphaeria - Lophodermium - Melampsora - Microsphaera species - Monochaetia - Ovulinia - Pestalotia Phoma - Phyllosticta - Puccinia species - Ramularia - Rhizoctonia - Rhytisma - Septobasidium - Sirococcus - Sphaeropsis - Stemphylium - Stripe rust - Uromyces rust - Volutella - Alternaria - Bipolaris - Botrytis - Buckeye - Cercospora - Cladosporium - Copper spot - Cronartium - Cylindrosporium - Didymascella - Dollar spot - Elsinoe - Erwinia - Fabraea - Fusarium blight - Fusicladium - Glomerella - Gray leaf spot - Gymnosporangium species - Herpobasidium blight - Keithia - Leaf spot - Leptothyrium - Marssonina - Melampsoridium - Monilinia - Mycosphaerella - Peronospora - Phaeocryptopus - Phomopsis - Pink snow mold - Pythium blight - Red thread - Rhizoctonia solani - Sclerotium - Septoria - Slime mold - Stem rust - Stigmina - Taphrina - Venturia - Whetzelia
Active Ingredients
Mancozeb: A coordination product of zinc ion and manganese ethylenebisdithiocarbamate 75.0% In which the ingredients are: Manganese 15.0% Zinc 1.9% Ethylenebisdithiocarbamate ion 58.1% Other Ingredients 25.0%
Contains .75 pound of Mancozeb per pound of product.
Generic form of Dithane. From UPI. Ships in 6 X 8 pound bags.