
SKU: 51005MAR021-BRA | Brand: Brandt

12 x 1 quart

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Spray Solution Colorant (Red)
Shows Where You've Sprayed
Indicates Drift
Eliminates Waste

Brandt Mark-It Red is a concentrated red colorant designed to be a temporary spray indicator. This product is ideal for golf courses, parks, cemeteries, athletic fields, lawn care maintenance, utility rights-of-way, forestry and any large turf or grass areas — virtually anywhere where spray evidence is needed. Brandt Mark-It Red will not permanently stain vegetation, soil, or human skin.

Brandt Mark-It Red should be added to the spray tank when it is approximately half full. Use one quart for each 75-100 gallons of spray solution, or one gallon for each 300-400 gallons of spray solution. When using handheld or back-pack sprayers (i.e. 3-5 gallons), use one ounce per gallon. 

The above rates are approximations. Turf or weed color, height, and individual water conditions such as hardness, pH, iron content, etc. may dictate variations from the above suggested rates. Sight adjustment is recommended. Test for required concentration before use and adjust as needed.

Packaged 12 x 1 quart