Merit 75 WSP (priced per 2 Oz bag)

SKU: MERIT453 | Brand: Bayer

8 x 2 Oz

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Merit® 75 WSP

Merit provides the industry’s longest-lasting grub control at exceptionally low use rates. This product gives outstanding residual control of numerous ornamental pests – it interferes with nerve impulses and disrupts insect behavior. Pests stop feeding, stop reproducing and eventually die.
  The No. 1 insecticide in the turf and ornamental market
  Broad-spectrum systemic action
  Outstanding preventive and curative control
  Long residual activity
  Usage rates up to 96% lower than many registered soil insecticides

Pests controlled

Turf pests:
  Billbug larvae; European crane flies; hairy chinch bugs; mole crickets; white grubs, including black turfgrass ataenius beetles, European chafers, Japanese beetles, May and June beetles, Northern masked chafers, Oriental beetles, Southern masked chafers

Ornamental pests:
  Adelgids, aphids, Asian long-horned beetles, borers, elm leaf beetles, emerald ash borers, hemlock woolly adelgids, Japanese and other leaf-feeding beetles, lace bugs, leafhoppers, leafminers, mealybugs, pine tip moths, royal palm bugs, sawfly larvae, scale insects, thrips (suppression), vine weevils, whiteflies

Active Ingredients


Adjuvant             Rate                    Water Volume
Kinetic                1pt/100gal            1.0 - 2.0 gal