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50 lb bag
0-0-0 100 SGN greens grade fertilizer supplying essential Ca, S, and Carbon to the soil
The Power of Activated Humic / Fulvic Acid teamed with Solu-Cal Soluble Calcium in a dust-free pellet.
Micro HUMIC PLUS S Greens Grade delivers a carbon source to stimulate and improve soil microbiology. Comprised of homogenous Activated Humic Acid complexed with Soluble Calcium and Sulfur (derived from Dihydrite Gypsum). delivers multiple benefits:
Micro HUMIC PLUS S Features: Supplies Solu-C S Enhanced Dihydrite Gypsum and Activated Humic Acid Provides oxidized carbon to condition soil and stimulate microbes and bacteria Increases plant uptake of N and P Chelates soil and applied micronutrients Increase root mass surface area and seedling turf density Remediates sodium for soils with high salt levels Increases soil CEC to improve nutrient performance Natural source Carbon to increase microbial population Addresses soil compaction in heavy soils Increases soil aeration and water Adds Ca and Sulfate S without moving soil pH Contains 8% Activated Humic Acid OMRI, CDFA, WSDA approved
PRODUCT SPECIFICATION: Enhanced Pelletized Gypsum with 8% Activated Humic / Fulvic Acid Particle size- 100 SGN Bulk Density- 57 lbs / cubic ft. Product Code-22025 (50lb bag)
TYPICAL ANALYSIS : Calcium Sulfate (CaSO4) ................................................. 70.0% Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate (CaSO4 – 2H2O) ................. 89.0% Calcium (Ca) ...................................................................... 19.0% Sulfur (S) Combined .......................................................... 15.0% Total Nitrogen (N) .................................................................0% Available Phosphate (P2O5) ..............................................0% Soluble Potash (K2O) ..........................................................0% CONTAINS : Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate). 8% Activated Humic / Fulvic Acid 4% Lignosulfonates as a plant based binding agent Moisture (Maximum) <1.0%