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2 x 2.5 gal
Mirage Stressguard Fungicide Mirage StressGard provides control of major diseases affecting cool and warm season turfgrass fairways. Tebuconazole empowered with StressGard"* Formulation Technology provides a great solution for rough diseases, while minimizing negative turf growth regulator effects on fairway height turfgrass that are seen with other DMI fungicides. University and field trials show consistent performance and turf safety on cool and warm season species including: annual bluegrass, creeping bentgrass, perennial ryegrass, zoysiagass and bermudagrass. Mirage StressGard is for use on golf course turf only.
Attributes of Mirage StressGard
Systemic disease control of tough to control foliar and soil-borne diseases Broad spectrum control of many basidiomycete and ascomycete diseases of turfgrass Controls Qol resistant diseases such as gray leaf spot Mirage StressGard provides a broad-spectrum, non-Qol solution for dollar spot and Qol-resistant fungi Apply as part of a preventive spring disease program to dollar spot and fairy ring and in summer programs for brown patch, and dollar spot Provides summer patch control on annual bluegrass fairways Apply in the fall and spring for large patch control on warm-season turfgrass Apply in the fall for spring dead spot control
Active Ingredient Tebuconazole ....21.4%
Large Patch Solutions
Spring Dead Spot