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50 lb bag
Sunniland Professional Turf Fertilizer with Insect Control 15-0-15
(including Imported Fire Ants), Mole Crickets, Sod Web worms, Chinch Bugs and other Pests as listed. For Lawns, in Landscape areas, around Residential, Commercial, institutional, Public, and Industrial Buildings, Parks, Recreational Lawns, and Athletic Fields.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Bifenthrin* [CAS 83322-B2657] ................................0.069% OTHER INGREDIENTS:......................................... 99.931% TOTAL......................................................................100.00%
Total Nitrogen (N)*.......................................................15.00% 7.50% Ammoniacal Nitrogen 7.50% Water Soluble Nitrogen Soluble Potash (K20)..................................................15.00% Total Magnesium as Mg ...............................................1.00% 1.00% Water Soluble Magnesium as Mg Chlorine, (Cl) Not more than..........................................7.50% Total Iron as Fe..............................................................2.00% Total Manganese as Mn.................................................0.50%
LAWN APPLICATION Apply 3.33 lbs. per 1,000 sq.ft.: Apply 6.66 lbs. per 1,000 sq.ft. Annual Bluegrass **Ants Weevils (Hypnerodes Adult) **Centipedes Armyworms **Fire Ants Billbugs (Adult) **Fleas Black Turfgrass **Leafhoppers Ataenuis (Adult) **Millipedes Cutworms **Mole Crickets Mealybugs **Chinch Bugs Sod Webworms Ticks and Chiggers
*Imported Fire Ants control will be optimized by combining broadcast application that will control foraging workers and newly mated (fly-in) queens with mound treatments that will minimize existing colonies. **The highest rate may be required for control of Ants, Centipedes, Chiggers, Chinch Bugs, Fleas, Imported Fire Ants, Millipedes and Mole Crickets.