Prostar 70 WDG

SKU: PROSTAR001 | Brand: Bayer

4 x 3 lb

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Prostar 70 WDG
Formulation: Water-dispersible granule

Its systemic mode of action prevents both normal fungal growth and the penetration of host tissue following infection. ProStar provides excellent preventive and curative activity for fairy ring, and serves as an ideal foundation for a tank mix.

ProStar has both preventive and curative activity with no published resistance development for turfgrass diseases.  Has no negative physiological effects on turfgrass like some DMI fungicides, and can be used year-round on any turf species.

Attributes of ProStar
  Systemic disease control of basidiomycete diseases
  Preventive and curative activity
  No published record of resistance development for turfgrass diseases
  Year-round turf safety


Brown Patch, Fairy Ring, Red Thread/Pink Patch Yellow Patch / Southern Blight, Gray Snow Mold, Large Brown Patch

How to Use ProStar
Apply ProStar as part of an integrated management program on greens, tees or fairways. Use a soil surfactant/wetting agent and water-in the application to control soil/thatch diseases like fairy ring. Use as a rotation partner with QoIs to manage resistance development.

Active ingredient
  Flutolanil ....70%

From Bayer.


Adjuvant             Rate                    Water Volume
Cohere           8-12ozs/100gal           1.0 - 2.0 Gal


Large Patch Solutions