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4 x 3 lb
Active Ingredient
Dinotefuran 20% Other Ingredients 80%
ORNAMENTAL PLANTS – PESTS CONTROLLED: Adelgids including: Hemlock Woolly Aphids including: Crepe Myrtle Green Peach Melon Bagworms Flatheaded Borers including: Alder Emerald Ash Flatheaded Appletree Fungus Gnats (larvae) Lacebugs including: Azalea Hawthorne Leaf Beetles including: Viburnum Leafhoppers including: Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter Potato Leafminers including: Boxwood Serpentine Mealybugs Citrus Longtailed Madeira Obscure Pink Hibiscus Root Psyllids including: Asian Citrus Root Weevils (larvae and adults) including: Black Vine Diaprepes Roundheaded Borers (excluding Asian Longhorned) Scales (Armored and Soft) including: Azalea Bark Calico Cottony Cushion Cottony Maple Cryptomeria Cycad Aulacaspis Duplachionaspis Elongate Hemlock Euonymus False Oleander Fig (Ficus) Wax Fletcher Florida Red Florida Wax Lecanium Oystershell Poplar (Aspen) Pine Needle Tea Tuliptree Thrips including: Chilli (suppression) Gynaikothrips uzeli (suppression) Western Flower (suppression) Whiteflies including: Ficus Giant Greenhouse Silverleaf/Sweetpotato White Grubs including: Oriental Beetle
Adjuvant Rate Water Volume Kinetic 1pt/100gal 1.0 - 2.0 gal