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4 x 4 Lb
Active Ingredient: Sulfentrazone....18.75% Quinclorac.......56.25%
When faced with multiple weed problems, the single solution is Solitare.
More often than not, there are several weed types present at the time of application. Solitare® herbicide is the only all-in-one postemergence weed control solution specifically designed to combat any combination of crabgrass, sedges and broadleaf weed problems you might encounter in a single application. No other product achieves the same powerful, broad spectrum control as Solitare without the hassle of tank mixing with other herbicides. With Solitare, you can take care of multiple weed problems while saving time, chemical costs and labor costs.
Dual-action Solitare herbicide features a patent-pending, optimized combination of sulfentrazone and quinclorac that combats postemergence weeds from the foliage down and the root up. Labeled for the control or suppression of over 60 weeds, Solitare provides fast, visible results with symptoms appearing just a few days after treatment. Other products can take weeks for symptoms to appear, or require a tank mix with multiple products to achieve the same level of visible control.
Finally, Solitare stops the formation of vegetative reproduction structures, reducing the capability of reproduction for the remainder of the season and into the following season. Solitare also impacts viability of seeds within the soil, helping to decrease weed populations this season and next.
Adjuvant Rate Water Volume Dynamic 2-3pts/100gal 1.0 Gal