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Aquatic herbicides are chemicals specifically formulated for use in water to kill or control aquatic plants
For non-selective aquatic weed control, nothing beats Aqua Neat®. Aqua Neat controls almost 200 species of emerged weeds, including a wide range of broadleaf weeds, sedges and annual and perennial grasses,...
Aquashade filters wave lengths of sunlight to control unwanted aquatic weeds and algae in natural and manmade contained lakes and ponds. Aquashade can be used in ornamental, recreational,...
Aquathol K
Aquathol K is a ready-to-use, concentrated quick-acting contact herbicide which dissipates quickly and leaves no residue. Although made with a similar active ingredient as Hydrothol...
Algaecide/Bactericide for Lakes and Ponds
Brandt T.A.C is an algaecide/bactericide that is used to suppress bacterial odors and toxic gases in ponds containing organic matter. Brandt...
Through INFUSION, Captain XTR is the best available technology for the control of all types of algae. Captain XTR is optimized to increase the penetration of copper (INFUSION)...
Clipper® delivers fast and selective control of tough invasive and nuisance plants such as cabomba, watermeal, Eurasian watermilfoil, water lettuce, duckweed, giant salvinia and more. Plus, Clipper...
Copper Sulfate Fine 30
Get that crystal clear pond or lake you have always dreamed of by using Copper Sulfate as an algaecide to control the Filamentous and Planktonic algae in your water....
Hydrothol 191
Hydrothol 191 Granular with alkylamine endothall is a selective, rapid-acting, contact herbicide and algaecide. Very effective against a broad spectrum of submersed weeds, also...
Copper etthylenediamine complex* (CAS#13426-91-0).....22.9%
Other Ingredients.......77.1%
*Metallic copper equivalent=8%
K-Tea algaecide is the best choice for eliminating standing or slow-moving water of unsightly and troublesome planktonic and filamentous algae.
Enjoy the...
The Foundation for Routine Algae Management
Nuisance Algae
Whether it’s filamentous algae (“scum”) in your backyard pond or toxic cyanobacteria in lakes and reservoirs, nuisance...
Active Ingredient:
Along with Sonar SRP, Sonar A.S. (liquid in gallon, quart and pint containers) is one of the two original formulations of Sonar Aquatic...
Along with Sonar A.S., Sonar SRP (slow release pellets in 40 lb. pails) is one of the two original formulations of Sonar Aquatic Herbicide. While...