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Elements such as (Fe,Mn,Cu.Zn,B,Cl,S,Mg and Mo) are needed for proper plant growth and are usually provided in foliar sprays to cure deficiencies. Golf Ventures and Helena provide different chelation choices to provide foliar and soil applied minor elements curing all deficiencies
Foliar Manganese Solution
Key Benefits of Brandt Manni-Plex Mn 7-0-0:
Efficiency Quickly supplies readily available N and Mn to plants and sport turf Proprietary...
Foliar Turf Nutrient Solution
Key Benefits of Manni-Plex Total Turf 3-0-0:
Efficiency The gold standard of sports turf nutrition. Quickly supplies readily available...
Protein Plus 14-2-5 is a new concept in plant nutrition. In order to provide color, vigor, recovery and plant health, the plant needs ALL the elements required to build a protein such...
Part of the Brandt Fairways Program
Grigg Rhizonify 6-4-4 is a liquid fertilizer that contains three sources of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, amino acid complexed micronutrients and a wetting agent. It provides superior...