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Selective herbicides control specific weed species, while leaving the desired crop relatively unharmed. Some of these act by interfering with the growth of the weed and are often synthetic mimics of natural plant hormones.
Escalade 2 is a premium combination herbicide that uses the advanced new fluroxypyr active to quickly control a comprehensive spectrum of broadleaf weeds in turfgrass. Also an innovative formulation,...
Product Features GALIGAN is a herbicide of the diphenyl-ether group used for selective weed control in a wide range of fruit trees, vegetables, field crops, ornamentals, forestry, sugarcane and...
Active Ingredient:
Paraquat dichloride
Gramoxone SL is a contact herbicide used to control or suppress a board spectrum of emerged weeds. Controls most small annual weed-both...
KARMEX 80 DF is recommended for control of weeds to aid in the establishment of hybrid poplar plantings. Apply at 1.0 to 3.0 pounds per acre depending upon soil texture and organic matter content. Use...
Active Ingredient: Flazasulfuron
Excellent control of 58 sedges, grassy and broadleaf weeds!
Active Ingredient: Pronamide
Kerb SC T&O specialty herbicide is a versatile tool for golf course superintendents,...
Active Ingredient: Clopyralid
Lontrel turf and ornamental specialty herbicide provides a high level of turf safety while offering superior postemergence control...
Manor® is a highly selective premium post-emergence herbicide for effective control of grassy and broadleaf weeds in turfgrass. Specially formulated to control annual and perennial weedy grasses such...
Selective and Residual Control of Weeds in Turfgrasses
Meso 4SC Select ™ is a herbicide that can be used for both pre and post-emergence control of more than 45 broadleaf...
Metricor 75DF Herbicide is a generic version of the Sencor Herbicide, and is proven broad-spectrum...
A dispersible granule intended to be mixed with water and surfactant(s) for application to non-crop areas such as railroad, utility, pipeline and highway rights-of-way and more. Can be used for weed...
For the control of Bindii, Burr Medic, Clover, Mullumbimby Couch, Nutgrass, Ryegrass, Winter Grass and suppression of Kikuyu in Turf.
Monument 75WG Herbicide
Monument 75WG Herbicide, a sulfonylurea, is a selective post-emergence herbicide that controls a wide variety of weeds including the majority of sedges (nutsedge or...