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Parasitic nematode problems are common in sports turf in warmer climates due to soil conditions that provide a perfect habitat.
Our nematicides are designed to control root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne), sting nematode (Belonolaimus), stubby-root nematodes (Trichodorus and Paratrichodorus), and ring nematodes (Mesocriconema).
Protecting Golf Course Putting Greens from Root-Feeding Nematodes
Root-feeding nematodes are among the most destructive turfgrass pests, especially in the sandy soils used for golf course...
The Avid Heritage Multipak is designed for the control of nematodes and contains the following:
2 gal Avid Miticide/Insecticide 6 1 lb. Heritage WDG Fungicide
Root-feeding nematodes are among the most destructive turfgrass pests, especially in the sandy soils used for golf course putting greens. Avid® 0.15 EC miticide/insecticide controls both sting and ring...
Indemnify is a next-generation nematicide that controls key plant parasitic nematodes in turfgrass. It improves root growth and overall turfgrass health, translating to better playability with improved...
NEMAMECTIN 0. 7 SC The Right Product for uncompromising control of sting, root-knot and lance nematode species. For use on greens, tees and fairways of all types of golf...
Neo-Tec a naturally eerived parasitic nematode control for Turf. It's a concentrate nematicide derived from sesame plant extracts and lecithin. It is an excellent option for...
Naturally Derived Parasitic Nematode Control for Sports Turf
Brandt Neo-Tec S.O. is an excellent option for controlling nematodes on golf courses and sports fields and will provide quick knock...
Zelto – Turf Protector. Using Bio with Bite.
Zelto turf protection promotes turf health by protecting roots from the ground up. It is a biological nematicide...
Zylam 20SG provides rapid control of turfgrass insects through contact and ingestion. For use in Outdoor residential, recreational and commercial turfgrass in sites such as home lawns, commercial...