TM 4.5 Select

SKU: GV00028-SEL | Brand: Prime Source

2 x 2.5 Gal

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TM 4.5 Select can be used to prevent and control fungus on both cool and warm season sports turf grasses. With no know phytotoxicity issues, it is the perfect disease management tool to help keep your golf course in peak condition. For optimal effect in areas that utilize irrigation, add a sticker/spreader adjuvant such as Fungicide Activator Select to the tank mix.
    • No known phytotoxicity to turfgrass
    • Both preventive and curative properties
    • Use on both cool and warm season turfgrasses
    • Effective against a wide range of turf and ornamental diseases
    • Use Fungicide Activator Select to maximize efficacy
    • Can be used through certain irrigation systems

Turf Diseases Controlled:
 Dollar Spot
 Copper Spot
 Brown Patch
 Zoysia Patch
 Red Thread
 Pink Snow Mold
 Gray Leaf Spot
 Summer Patch
 Fusarium Blight
 Necrotic Ring Spot
 Spring Dead Spot
 Strip Smut

Active Ingredient:
TThiophanate Methyl . . . . . . . . 46.20%
Other ingredients . . . . . . . . . . . 53.80%
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00%

Alternative to Cleary's 3336®

Manufactured by Prime Source, LLC.   Shipped in 2 x 2.5 gal