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4 x 5 lb
Valor SX
Get Crops Off to a Clean Start With the Proven Residual Herbicide Foundation
Valor® Herbicide is the proven residual herbicide foundation to all labeled crop management systems. As the established preemergence herbicide for use in any geography, Valor provides 4-6 weeks' residual control at the labeled rate. It controls a broad spectrum of broadleaf weeds, including waterhemp and Palmer pigweed.
To help growers ensure their soybean, cotton or peanut crops get a clean start, Valor provides:
A proven residual herbicide foundation 4–6 weeks' strong residual control at the labeled rate A labeled rate of herbicide that is highly active compared with the competition Broad spectrum control of waterhemp, Palmer pigweed and other broadleaf weeds Control superior to Authority® Assist and Authority First on waterhemp control (Source: Summary of 10 university trials) Excellent crop rotational flexibility in any geography—with no carryover concerns
Active Ingredient
Flumioxazin 51% Other Ingredients 49%