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6 x 22 oz
Velista Fungicide
Velista™ fungicide is the broadest spectrum and only SDHI labeled for anthracnose in the golf market. Spring and fall are ideal seasons to clean up greens, tees and fairways. In addition to controlling anthracnose, Velista also protects against dollar spot, brown patch and more. When used in rotation with Briskway® fungicide, Velista delivers excellent control of summer stress diseases on greens when temperatures shift from warm to hot.
A FIFRA Section 2(ee) recommendation* for Velista was granted for control of these extra diseases:
Summer Patch Brown Ring Patch Spring Dead Spot Fairy Ring Leaf and Sheath Spot Rapid Blight
Key Features
Broadest spectrum and only SDHI labeled for anthracnose in the golf market Controls 14 key turf diseases, including resistant strains of dollar spot and anthracnose Penthiopyrad exhibits translaminar and xylem systemic movement on treated turf The water-dispersible granular (WDG) formulation allows for easy mixing and application
Key Benefits
Provides disease control for 14-21 days Outstanding control for spring and fall clean-up Excellent control of summer stress diseases Low-use rates and mixes well with Daconil Action™, Secure® or Heritage™ fungicides for extended control of disease
Active Ingredient
Penthiopyrad 50.0% Other Ingredients 50.0%