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4/1 Qt
Rapid control of more than 100 sucking and chewing insects
A liquid formulation of dinotefuran, Zylam Liquid Systemic Insecticide provides exceptional control of a broad spectrum of listed chewing and sucking insects. Used as a drench, soil injection or bark banding application, Zylam Liquid features translaminar activity to quickly move through the leaf and control insects that hide on the underside of leaf surfaces.
Zylam Liquid controls:
Scale Emerald Ash Borers Leaf Hoppers Bagworms Mealybugs Japanese Beetles Aphids More than 100 other insects
Ideal for use on: Residential sites Golf course landscape areas Commercial/Industrial areas Parks and school ground
Ideal for use on: Non-bearing fruit and nut trees Evergreens Ornamental trees Shrubs Ground cover plants Foliage Non-bearing vines
Active Ingredients: Dinotefuran