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2 x 2.5 gal
Bensulide - 46%
Bensumec 4LF is a pre-emergent broadleaf herbicide that provides season-long control of broadleaf For use in Bahiagrass, Bentgrass, Perennial bluegrass, Bermudagrass, Centipedegrass, Fescue, Pensacola bahiagrass, Perennial ryegrass, Redtop, Rough stalk bluegrass, St. Augustinegrass, Zoysiagrass Commercial and Residential Turf, Golf Coureses Annual bluegrass (Poa annua), Barnyardgrass, Crabgrass (large & smooth), Deadnettle (henbit), Fall
Controls annual grasses including crabgrass, Poa annua, and goosegrass Also controls many listed broadleaf weeds Features high turfgrass tolerance Is labeled for use on residential lawns and golf courses Easily emulsifies for complete mixing Is also available in a granular product Pre-San 125G