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2 x 2.5 gal
Prograss® EC Prograss EC provides both pre- and post-emergent control of Poa annua in cool-season turf grasses and overseeded bermudagrass. This means Poa can be controlled through its cool-season germination and growth periods. A customized Prograss program can help control Poa in every season. Year-round selective control of Poa annua Controls Poa annua during germination and growth periods every season Also controls a wide variety of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds Can be applied to bentgrass, tall fescue, St. Augustinegrass, Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass Recommended for bermudagrass control in St. Augustinegrass Effective in humid and arid climates Approved for many uses, including golf course fairways, sod farms, cemeteries, and commercial and residential lawns Pests controlled Barnyardgrass, burclover, canary grass, common chickweed, common purslane, green foxtail, large crabgrass, Poa annua, pre-emergent/annual grasses, redroot pigweed, smooth crabgrass, white clover, yellow foxtail
Key Strengths Ethofumesate is a selective systemic herbicide, absorbed by the emerging shoots (grasses) with translocation to the foliage Ethofumesate inhibits the growth of meristems, retards cellular division and limits formation of waxy cuticles
Active Ingredient Ethofumesate 19%
From Bayer.
Adjuvant Rate Water Volume Kinetic 1pt/100gal 1.0 - 2.0 gal