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Plug for 15in Cup.
The 15" Cup has increased pace of play by an average of 45 minutes. The average score is 10 strokes better. The 15" Cup is a great way...
15 in Hole Cutter The 15-inch Hole Cutter is used to place 15-inch cups. These cups have increased pace of play by an average of 45 minutes. The average player score...
Squeegee is non-absorbent and recommended for drying greens and turf. Heavy-duty ribbed-frame construction, combined with wrap-around bracing, eliminates deflection when pressure is applied.
Long-time classic and favorite among superintendents. Gently and evenly works top dressing material into the green and helps control thatch when used before mowing. Extensions available...
Replacement Brush for Extension For Drag Brush
Long-time classic and favorite among superintendents. Gently...
Ideal for replacing small areas of damaged turf. Fill the tube handle with new plugs from any nursery area, then use them to replace damaged plugs when you cut them.
Distributes application materials. Removes stones from soil, breaks up small clods of sand or loam. Smoothes soil for easy planting.
30in Levelawn Head.
36in Levelawn
36 in. (91 cm) Roller Squeegee with 60 in. (1.5 m) bent Orange Powder-Coated Aluminum Handle
Recommended for removing water from greens and turf, this non-absorbent squeegee...
Spreads top dressing with a soft, smooth touch. Perfect for all playing surfaces. Tough, resilient fi bers 1 ¼" (3 cm) bond to vinyl-reinforced backing. Smaller lighter-weight...
Rotate cup covers instead of cups. Keeps holes free of top dressing material and debris. Sits on top of the cup, fl ush with surface of the green.
Contact the Golf Ventures sales team for more information.
4 ¼" (10.8 CM)