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The practice of spreading sand on the greens. or topdressing, has been part of golf maintenance for ages. Greens topdressing sands have been processed by CEMEX to meet USGA specifications. Make sure you check out the new line of Comand greens topdressing products with special compost additives.
Super Fine 1/8' Particle Size. For greens topdressing and other fine particle applications.
1,000 LB - approximately yard of pure Organic COMAND® compost in a canvas super sack. Shipped on pallet. Fine (1/8th inch max particle size).
This new product from Life Soils...
Shipped as pallet of 40 bags.
Ready to try COMAND®? Consider 45 pound bags of pure 1/8 inch pure...
Product Information
Delivered in SuperSacks (1,000 LB)...
The Greens Grade COMAND is processed into 1/16th or less particle sizes and looks just like black granules. Product can be applied and swept into the canopy of the closest mowed greens without...