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Contact fungicides are not taken up into the plant tissue, and protect only the plant where the spray is deposited; translaminar fungicides redistribute the fungicide from the upper, sprayed leaf surface to the lower, unsprayed surface. Contact fungicides are normally used to control foliar diseases in lawns.
Contact fungicides are generally applied to the leaf and stem surfaces on lawns and landscapes. They are considered protective or preventive fungicides. They inhibit the fungi on the plant surface so the fungus is not able to enter/infect the plant.
As a proven systemic fungicide, Aludeâ„¢ provides effective control of various plant diseases including black spot, scab and downy mildew. Alude is a proven performer against Phytophthora and Pythium...
Chipco 26GT® 26GT is a broad-spectrum fungicide that provides unsurpassed control of brown patch, dollar spot, various leafspots, and a variety of other turf diseases. Trusted by superintendents...
Agricultural Fungicide for control of a broad spectrum of plant diseases. Recommended for use in programs which are compatible with Integrated Pest Management. Effective for strategic use in programs...
Features preventative disease protection with multi-site activity...
Incorporating 26/36®fungicide into an integrated disease management program provides effective control of key...
Clearys 3336 F is a systemic fungicide for the prevention and control of turf diseases and the diseases of annual and perennial flowers, bedding plants, foliage plants, ground covers, plus deciduous...
Sports Turf Fungicide and Algaecide
Consan Turf is a contact fungicide and algaecide used for the control of fungal and algal pathogens on fine sports turf grasses. These fungal disease include...
Daconil Action Flowable Fungicide gives turf the PR proteins it needs to aid its natural defenses against disease and stress. Daconil Action Flowable Fungicide augments control of existing...
The industry-leading contact fungicide that gives you the flexibility you need
Daconil Ultrex fungicide is a leading broad-spectrum contact fungicide that helps protect ornamentals from more...
Daconil Weather Stik is an excellent choice as the basis of a preventative golf course or turfgrass fungicide program. As a contact fungicide it can be used early curatively after...
Dithane 75DF Rainshield specialty fungicide is a unique broad-spectrum protectant fungicide that offers longerlasting protection and better disease control than other fungicides in its class. It is...
Dithane 75DF Rainshield Specialty Fungicide 12 lb. is a broad-spectrum protectant fungicide that is effective in controlling plant diseases such as rust, scab, purple spot, copper spot, dollar spot,...
Dithane Rainshield turf and ornamental specialty fungicide is a broad spectrum ornamental contact fungicide for preventative control of rust, leaf spots, scab and other key diseases
Docket DF Fungicide is a low-cost generic form of the name-brand Daconil Ultrex chlorothalonil. It is made by Syngenta, the same company that makes Daconil Ultrex.
As a chlorothalonil product,...