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8 x 1 Qt
Syngenta Scimitar GC Insecticides offer advanced Pyrethroid Technology. Scimitar GC Insecticide contains a proprietary formulation technology of Scimitar insecticides, encapsulates the active ingredient, lambda-cyhalothrin, in small polymer capsules to protect it from the degrading effects of pH, sunlight and UV light. The result is superior control of insects in turf and ornamentals even after extended outdoor exposure.
Key Features
Time-released control of both surface and subsurface insects Labeled to control more than 20 turf pests including annual bluegrass weevils, ants, crickets, chiggers, fleas, grubs and ticks
Key Benefits
Advanced formulation results in fast-acting and longer residual control Effectively controls broad range of both turf and ornamental insects Can be applied on wide variety of use sites including residential lawns, institutional, public, commercial and industrial buildings, parks, recreational areas and athletic fields.
Active Ingredient
Lambda-cyhalothrin: [1a(S*),3a(Z)]-( -)-cyano (3-phenoxyphenyl) methyl-3-(2-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoro-1-propenyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate 9.7% Other Ingredients 90.3%
Scimitar Golf Course Formula Insecticides Controls: Ants (including imported fire ants) Aphids Armyworms Azalea caterpillars Bagworms Black turfgrass ataenius Black vine weevils (adult) Bluegrass billbugs (adult) Boxelder bugs Broadmites Brown softscales Budworms California oakworms California redscales Cankerworms Centipedes Chiggers Clover mites Cockroaches Crickets Cutworms Earwigs Eastern tent caterpillars Elm leaf beetles European sawflies Fall webworms Flea beetles Fleas (adult) Forest tent caterpillars Grasshoppers Grub (suppression) Gypsy moth larvae Hyperodes weevils Japanese beetles (adult) June beetles (adult) Lace bugs Leaf rollers Leaf skeletonizers Leaf-feeding caterpillars Leafhoppers Leafminers (adult) Mealybugs Midges Millipedes Mites Mole crickets (nymphs and adults) Mosquitoes Oleander moth larvae Pillbugs Pine needlescales Pine sawflies Pine shoot beetles Pinetip moths Pitch pine tip moth Plant bugs Poinsettia hornworm Psyllids Puss caterpillar Redhumped oakworm Root weevils Rose aphid Rose chafer Rose slug Roundheaded pine beetle Saddled prominent Sawflies Sawflies (exposed) Scale insects (crawlers) Sod webworms Sow bugs Sowbugs Spider mites Spiders Spiney elm caterpillar Spittlebugs Springtails Spruce beetle Spruce budworm Spruce needleminer Striped beetles Striped oakworms Subtropical pine tip moth Tent caterpillars Thorn bug Thrips Thrips (exposed) Ticks Ticks (including species Tip moths Tussock moth larvae Walnut caterpillar Wasps Webworms Western pine beetle Western spruce budworm Willow leaf beetles Wooly gall aphid Yellow poplar weevil
Adjuvant Rate Water Volume Kinetic 6-16oz/100gal 1.0 - 2.0 gal